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PopBERT. Detecting Populism and Its Host Ideologies in the German Bundestag

Political Analysis
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  • Serhat Karakayalı (2025): Counting racism: quantitative methods and the challenges of structural analysis in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
  • Xiaorong He, Bo Xiang, Zeshui Xu, Dejian Yu (2024): Exploring the evolution and collaboration in two-sided matching: a comprehensive bibliometric and topic modeling analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics.
  • Maija Ozola-Schade, Jens Wolling (2024): Media priming and immigration attitudes: Moderating effects of political ideology. The Communication Review.
  • Andrea Zagaria, Luigi Lombardi (2024): A new perspective on trends in psychology. New Ideas in Psychology.
  • J.J. Homan van der Heide (2024): Mediale Trigger. Emotionen und Argumente in deutschen Pressekommentaren.
  • Sophia Hunger (2024): Virtuous people and evil elites? The role of moralizing frames and normative distinctions in identifying populist discourse. Political Research Exchange.
  • Oliver Wieczorek, Olof Hallonsten, Fredrik Åström (2024): Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro-)tribes?. Scientometrics.
  • Josh Joseph Ramminger, Nele Jacobs (2024): Primacy of theory? Exploring perspectives on validity in conceptual psychometrics. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Ketan R. Shah, Christian Brütting, Rodrigo Q. Albuquerque, Holger Ruckdäschel (2024): Machine learning investigation of polylactic acid bead foam extrusion. Journal of applied polymer science.
  • Robert Djogbenou, Vissého Adjiwanou, Solène Lardoux (2024): Exploring Sixty-Two Years of Research on Immigrants’ Integration Using Structural Topic Modeling-Based Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of International Migration and Integration / Revue de l integration et de la migration internationale.
  • Eryn J. Adams, Molly Scott, Melina Amarante, Chanel A. Ramírez, Stephanie J. Rowley, Kimberly G. Noble, Sonya V. Troller‐Renfree (2024): Fostering inclusion in EEG measures of pediatric brain activity. npj Science of Learning.
  • Fabian Kratz (2024): Cumulative Inequality and Attitude Formation: How Education Affects Liberal Attitudes Across the Life Course.
  • Oliver Wieczorek, Melanie Malzahn (2024): Exploring an extinct society through the lens of Habitus-Field theory and the Tocharian text corpus. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
  • Oliver Wieczorek, Andreas Schmitz, Jonas Volle, Khulan Bayarkhuu, Richard Münch (2024): Types of Collaboration and the Consolidation of Sociological Research Evidence from publications in five German sociology journals 2000–2019. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks.
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  • Susanne Rippl, Christian Seipel (2024): Rassismus und migrationsfeindliche Einstellungen in Deutschland. Springer eBooks.
  • Meijun Liu, Sijie Yang, Yi Bu, Ning Zhang (2023): Female early-career scientists have conducted less interdisciplinary research in the past six decades: evidence from doctoral theses. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
  • Andrea Zagaria, Luigi Lombardi (2023): A new perspective on trends in psychology. Research Square (Research Square).
  • Fabian Kratz (2023): A liberalizing effect of happiness? The impact of improvements and deteriorations in different dimensions of subjective well-being on concerns about immigration. European Sociological Review.
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  • Paul C. Bogdan, Alexandru D. Iordan, Jonathan Shobrook, Florin Dolcos (2023): ConnSearch: A framework for functional connectivity analysis designed for interpretability and effectiveness at limited sample sizes. NeuroImage.
  • Torben Schubert, Henning Kroll, Cecilia Garcia Chavez (2023): The effects of sustainability orientation on research and teaching efficiency in German universities. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
  • Inje Kang, Jiseong Yang, Wonjae Lee, Eun-Yeong Seo, Duk Hee Lee (2023): Delineating development trends of nanotechnology in the semiconductor industry: Focusing on the relationship between science and technology by employing structural topic model. Technology in Society.
  • Chia-Jung Tsai, R. Gordon Rinderknecht, Emilio Zagheni (2023): The interplay between refugee inflows and media coverage in determining attitudes towards immigration in Germany.
  • Anastasiya Pesha (2023): Factors of Building and Developing an Academic Career: Systematic Theoretical Analysis. Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia.
  • Nick Haslam, Naomi Baes (2023): Science of mind and behaviour or allied health profession? Changes in the organisational location of psychology in Australian universities. Australian Journal of Psychology.
  • Susanne Rippl, Christian Seipel (2023): Rassismus und migrationsfeindliche Einstellungen in Deutschland. Springer eBooks.
  • Oliver Wieczorek, Richard Münch, Sabine Hofmann (2022): All power to the reviewers: British sociology under two-level supervision of the Research Excellence Framework. Social Science Information.
  • Susanne Singer (2022): Development of Three Psychology Sub-Disciplines Over the Past 30 Years: A Citation Analysis. Review of General Psychology.
  • Dawid Walentek, Natalia Letki, Peter Thisted Dinesen, Ulf Liebe (2022): Measuring the Effect of Media Framing on Behavior Towards Refugees.
  • Ana Teixeira de Melo (2022): Toward a (“Dissolved”) Psychology of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Relations: A Complexity-Informed Proposal. Review of General Psychology.
  • Saïd Unger, Lukas Erhard, Oliver Wieczorek, Christian Koß, Jan R. Riebling, Raphael H. Heiberger (2022): Benefits and detriments of interdisciplinarity on early career scientists’ performance. An author-level approach for U.S. physicists and psychologists. PloS one.
  • Manuel Goyanes, Márton Demeter, Zicheng Cheng, Homero Gil de Zúñiga (2022): Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: how research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science. Scientometrics.
  • Raphael H. Heiberger (2022): Applying Machine Learning in Sociology: How to Predict Gender and Reveal Research Preferences. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.
  • Emi Ishita, Tetsuya Nakatoh (2022): Differences Between Research Projects in Computer Science Funded by Japanese and American Agencies. Lecture notes in computer science.

Last Updated: Feb. 13, 2025, 10 p.m. from