• Sebastian Stier, Pascal Siegers, Johannes Breuer (2025)

    Radical right populism and the media: evidence from the supply side and demand side of political information in Germany. European Sociological Review.

  • Serhat Karakayalı (2025)

    Counting racism: quantitative methods and the challenges of structural analysis in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

  • Xiaorong He, Bo Xiang, Zeshui Xu, Dejian Yu (2024)

    Exploring the evolution and collaboration in two-sided matching: a comprehensive bibliometric and topic modeling analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics.

  • Maija Ozola-Schade, Jens Wolling (2024)

    Media priming and immigration attitudes: Moderating effects of political ideology. The Communication Review.

  • J.J. Homan van der Heide (2024)

    Mediale Trigger. Emotionen und Argumente in deutschen Pressekommentaren.

  • Sophia Hunger (2024)

    Virtuous people and evil elites? The role of moralizing frames and normative distinctions in identifying populist discourse. Political Research Exchange.

  • Oliver Wieczorek, Olof Hallonsten, Fredrik Åström (2024)

    Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro-)tribes?. Scientometrics.

  • Josh Joseph Ramminger, Niklas Jacobs (2024)

    Primacy of theory? Exploring perspectives on validity in conceptual psychometrics. Frontiers in Psychology.

  • Karim Ali Shah, Christian Brütting, Rodrigo Q. Albuquerque, Holger Ruckdäschel (2024)

    Machine learning investigation of polylactic acid bead foam extrusion. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.

  • Robert Djogbenou, Vissého Adjiwanou, Solène Lardoux (2024)

    Exploring Sixty-Two Years of Research on Immigrants’ Integration Using Structural Topic Modeling-Based Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of International Migration and Integration / Revue de l integration et de la migration internationale.

  • Eryn J. Adams, Molly Scott, Melina Amarante, Chanel A. Ramírez, Stephanie J. Rowley, Kimberly G. Noble, Sonya V. Troller‐Renfree (2024)

    Fostering inclusion in EEG measures of pediatric brain activity. npj Science of Learning.

  • Andrea Zagaria, Luigi Lombardi (2024)

    A new perspective on trends in psychology. New Ideas in Psychology.

  • Fabian Kratz (2024)

    Cumulative Inequality and Attitude Formation: How Education Affects Liberal Attitudes Across the Life Course.

  • Oliver Wieczorek, Melanie Malzahn (2024)

    Exploring an extinct society through the lens of Habitus-Field theory and the Tocharian text corpus. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

  • Oliver Wieczorek, Andreas Schmitz, Jonas Volle, Khulan Bayarkhuu, Richard Münch (2024)

    Types of Collaboration and the Consolidation of Sociological Research Evidence from publications in five German sociology journals 2000–2019. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks.

  • Murray Taylor, Mauricio Marrone, Frances Chang, David W. Rooney (2024)

    The Boundedness of Interdisciplinarity: Disrupted Educational Research Knowledge Flows in Business Education.

  • Mamadou SACKO (2024)

    Media Influence and Public Attitudes in Europe: A Cross-National Analysis of the Charlie Hebdo Attack.

  • Susanne Rippl, Christian Seipel (2024)

    Rassismus und migrationsfeindliche Einstellungen in Deutschland. Springer eBooks.

  • Meijun Liu, Sijie Yang, Yi Bu, Ning Zhang (2023)

    Female early-career scientists have conducted less interdisciplinary research in the past six decades: evidence from doctoral theses. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

  • Andrea Zagaria, Luigi Lombardi (2023)

    A new perspective on trends in psychology. Research Square (Research Square).

  • Fabian Kratz (2023)

    A liberalizing effect of happiness? The impact of improvements and deteriorations in different dimensions of subjective well-being on concerns about immigration. European Sociological Review.

  • Tomás Caycho‐Rodríguez, Carlos Carbajal‐León, Nicole Oré-Kovacs, Daniel E. Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Ximena Llerena-Espezúa, Alvaro Gabriel Becerra Meza, Júlio Torales, Romy Angélica Díaz Fernández (2023)

    Medical Research Trends in Undergraduate Psychological Theses: A report from a South American country. Medicina Clínica y Social.

  • Chia-Jung Tsai, R. Gordon Rinderknecht, Emilio Zagheni (2023)

    The interplay between refugee inflows and media coverage in determining attitudes towards immigration in Germany.

  • Anastasiya Pesha (2023)

    Factors of Building and Developing an Academic Career: Systematic Theoretical Analysis. Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia.

  • Inje Kang, Jiseong Yang, Wonjae Lee, Eun-Yeong Seo, Duk Hee Lee (2023)

    Delineating development trends of nanotechnology in the semiconductor industry: Focusing on the relationship between science and technology by employing structural topic model. Technology in Society.

  • Paul C. Bogdan, Alexandru D. Iordan, Jonathan Shobrook, Florin Dolcos (2023)

    ConnSearch: A framework for functional connectivity analysis designed for interpretability and effectiveness at limited sample sizes. NeuroImage.

  • Torben Schubert, Henning Kroll, Cecilia Garcia Chavez (2023)

    The effects of sustainability orientation on research and teaching efficiency in German universities. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

  • Nick Haslam, Naomi Baes (2023)

    Science of mind and behaviour or allied health profession? Changes in the organisational location of psychology in Australian universities. Australian Journal of Psychology.

  • Susanne Rippl, Christian Seipel (2023)

    Rassismus und migrationsfeindliche Einstellungen in Deutschland. Springer eBooks.

  • Oliver Wieczorek, Richard Münch, Daniel Schubert (2022)

    All power to the reviewers: British sociology under two-level supervision of the Research Excellence Framework. Social Science Information.

  • Susanne Singer (2022)

    Development of Three Psychology Sub-Disciplines Over the Past 30 Years: A Citation Analysis. Review of General Psychology.

  • Dawid Walentek, Natalia Letki, Peter Thisted Dinesen, Ulf Liebe (2022)

    Measuring the Effect of Media Framing on Behavior Towards Refugees.

  • Ana Teixeira de Melo (2022)

    Toward a (“Dissolved”) Psychology of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Relations: A Complexity-Informed Proposal. Review of General Psychology.

  • Saïd Unger, Lukas Erhard, Oliver Wieczorek, Christian Koß, Jan R. Riebling, Raphael H. Heiberger (2022)

    Benefits and detriments of interdisciplinarity on early career scientists’ performance. An author-level approach for U.S. physicists and psychologists. PLoS ONE.

  • Manuel Goyanes, Márton Demeter, Zicheng Cheng, Homero Gil de Zúñiga (2022)

    Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: how research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science. Scientometrics.

  • Raphael H. Heiberger (2022)

    Applying Machine Learning in Sociology: How to Predict Gender and Reveal Research Preferences. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

  • Emi Ishita, Tetsuya Nakatoh (2022)

    Differences Between Research Projects in Computer Science Funded by Japanese and American Agencies. Lecture notes in computer science.

Last Updated: March 14, 2025, 12:01 a.m. from openalex.org
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